Quote - Transformers - "Of all the circuit glitched, diode blown dimwittery..."
San Jaya Prime - Sombranoche
Ugress - Decepticons
Quote - Transformers - "I would have waited an eternity for this. It's over Prime."
Vince DiCola - The Death of Optimus Prime (Tony Bacala Breakbeat Mix)
Quote - Transformers - "Do not grieve. Soon... I shall be one... with the Matrix."
Ugress + Therese Vadem - Decepticons
Quote - Transformers - "Why throw away your life so recklessly?"
Ron Friedman - Transformers the Movie
San Jaya Prime - IO Limiters - Sombranoche [free]
Ugress + Therese Vadem - Resound - Decepticons [free]
Vince DiCola - Death of Optimus Prime [unreleased remix]